Step back with us through 70 years of Royal Celebrations as we look back at Queen Elizabeth’s 70-year reign and many a community celebration in Redruth, Cornwall.
These extracts have been taken through research at the Kresen Kernow Archive Centre in Redruth as part of the Redruth Town Council’s Engagement Teams 2022 Jubilee events programme.
1953 C O R O N A T I O N
Redruth Parish Magazine, Kresen Kernow archives.
On the Coronation Day, June 2nd mugs were presented to the children and half a pound cannister of tea was given to the old folk.
“We shall specially pray for the blessing of the Holy Spirit upon Sacring as well as the Crowning of our Queen which will follow 2 days later. Special mention of this also awaits next month’s issue. It is good that the publicity on this occasion laid emphasis on the fact that the Queen’s Anointing is a spiritual act, the central point of the service; rather than the crowning, which is the outer evidence of a temporal fact. For that, let us be thankful.”
“At the time of the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. We, in common with all the people of her Commonwealth and Empire present our loyal duties to her majesty; praying that in all ways her reign may be happy and glorious; that she may be upheld in the performance of all her onerous and responsible duties with the blessing of Almighty God; and that all her peoples may ever find her the focus and embodiment of the great traditions of our national past and the promise of as great and an even more Christian future.”
A look back to Queen Victoria’s Coronation in 1838 as reported in The West Briton feature and again in 1952.
“At Redruth only a week was allowed to make coronation arrangements and in that time a subscription was raised, which made possible the purchase of 2 oxen which were distributed as beef among seven hundred poor men, women and families of the town in quantities proportioned to the numbers who were to partake. In addition, 500 poor women were bountifully regaled in the street with tea and cake, purchased by a ladies subscription. Mr Lean an Innkeeper, at his own expense gave a substantial dinner to a number of old men who had passed the age of 70. This was served in front of his house. This was certainly Mr Lean of Collins Arms, East End, a house which is still in the occupation of the same family. No space is now available in the front of the house for the erection of a booth! The day was observed as a holiday at all the mines in the neighbourhood and at Carn Brea, North Roskear and Tin Croft Mines, bountiful dinners were provided for thousands of men, women and children employed.”
1977 S I L V E R
Cornwall Life magazine
‘The Engine houses of Wheal Uny and Wheal Basset smoke again for the Jubilee.’
“QUITE LIKE THE OLD DAYS. A scene not witnessed for nearly 70 years when smoke once again poured from the granite chimneys of the old mining area between Troon and Redruth. It was a Jubilee idea arranged by Condurrow Methodist Chapel Improvements Committee. Farmer, Mr Edwin Thomas and a band of 2 dozen stokers kept the smoke billowing while their wives collected donations from the many onlookers who drove around the area. “It’s quite like the old days” said one elderly onlooker wistfully. “I can remember as a boy when this whole area was covered by a pall of smoke. I never thought I’d see it again, proper job.” The engine houses once held great beam engines, pumping water from Wheal Grenville, lifting ore at Wheal Uny and turning of the stamps at Wheal Basset. Most of the buildings are now in a sad state of repair but for one day at least they relived their glory.” Cornwall Life magazine, Kresen Kernow archives.

West Briton coverage of the Silver Jubilee Celebrations in Redruth
Friday June 3rd 11am official opening ceremony followed by Jubilee shop window display awards
Sunday June 5th 7.30pm Jubilee Concert at Victoria Park by Carharrack and St Day Silver Band.
JUBILEE DAY June 7th Official Jubilee Day Parade, assemble East End Playing Park from 1.30pm, headed by Redruth Town Band. 3pm Recreation Ground soft drinks, children’s sports, stalls.

9.45pm Jubilee Bonfire at Carn Brea Hill, organised by Redruth Scouts.
Jubilee silver spoons for two
“Two youngsters born at Camborne Redruth Hospital on Jubilee Day last week were presented with memorabilia they will treasure for the rest of their lives. Even though they missed out on the Jubilee Celebrations John Noah Hall and Adam Jeffery will always remember the event when they use silver spoons presented to them and their mothers. Mrs Wendy Hall and Mrs Margaret Jeffery, at the Hospital by the Divisional Nursing Officer Mrs J.P. Baker.”
2002 G O L D E N
West Briton coverage of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations in Redruth
Pensioners enjoy food with a theme
Ninety-five pensioners enjoy a Golden Jubilee celebration lunch at Miners-Court Redruth. The specially chosen menu included Queen of asparagus soup, Golden syrup sponge and Coronation chicken. The group were encouraged to make special hats which were judged by John Harvey and chief officer Karen Campbell. The winner in the women’s class was Dora Downing followed by Myers Johns and Mildred Grigg. Best hat for the men went to Charles Williams, aged 101 who entertained diners before and after diner with his flute playing. All in all, according to lunch club organiser Pip Beer, it was a wonderful success.
Primary schools celebrated with Jubilee parties and children were given commemorative mugs.
2012 D I A M O N D
There were street parties and Jubilee parties at the Methodist Chapel, Redruth and the 196th Annual Service took place at Gwenap Pit amphitheatre featuring Redruth Methodist Church Choir and Mounts Bay Circuit Choir. There were Jubilee themed garden parties and workshops ran by artists as part of the Open Studios event. The Duke and Duchess officially opened Heartlands in Pool, on July 2nd as part of a Royal Tour.
With thanks to Kresen Kernow, the custodian of these documents used to cite this research project, we always welcome input, information and photos of historical and present day events relating to everything Redruth. If you’d like to add to this with any Jubilee memories, please contact
For Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum (2022) Jubilee Celebrations taking place in Redruth, have a look at our event page here.
*The cover image to the left is of Higher Fore Street, from King George’s Jubilee in 1935, credit for sharing – Jonathan David Cortis.