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Celebrating William Murdoch

On Saturday, 15th June, thousands gathered in Redruth to celebrate Murdoch Day, an event named after the illustrious inventor William Murdoch. Murdoch, a pioneering engineer and inventor of the 18th century, is renowned for his ground-breaking contributions to technology and engineering. Among his notable achievements was the creation of one of the earliest steam locomotives, aptly named The Murdoch Flyer. Additionally, Murdoch revolutionized residential lighting by introducing coal-gas illumination in his own home, making it the first house in the United Kingdom to utilize this innovative form of lighting. Fast forward a few hundred years, and a whole day is now dedicated to honouring his legacy and celebrating all that makes Redruth great, past and present.

Murdoch Day is the town’s biggest day, celebrating its heritage, history, industry, and community. This year, thousands of people attended the festival which featured street entertainment, workshops, food, street stalls, steam engines, a traditional fairground, and the Murdoch Day parade. Some new additions to this year’s festival included a silent disco and an engineering hub in Redruth library, as well as a circus show in St. Rumon’s Gardens.

It was fantastic to be joined by so many community members throughout the day, especially during the parade, where schools and community groups danced and showcased their artwork based on engineering heroes.

Make sure to check out our other events coming soon on our What’s On page, or read more about Reduth in our Blog

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